Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Big Big House

This week I was feeling especially crabby about living in a trailer park. The weather's been warming up and the kids want to play outside 24/7 which = me sitting outside watching them!

Problem #1: ALL neighbors, on ALL sides of us smoke cigarette's. It's a trailer park thing. We didn't get the memo before we moved in, but we quickly learned how most residents go through a pack a day. And I'm totally allergic to it! My eyes start watering while my nose is itching and then comes a headache.

Problem #2: Broken families. Besides my husband and I, there is only 1 other family on our entire street that has an original marriage still in tact between a husband and wife. Its not only a sad fact, but it's a fact that affects us. There are over 20 kids on our street, some of them are outside with no shoes, no recent meals, parents may be gone or working from home.....kids come over hungry, thirsty, lonely, or needing help with something! I feel like I could run a full time ministry just to neighborhood kids.

Problem #3: Because we have no yards, sidewalks, or driveway without cars, all the kids have to play in the street. Meaning all the toys, bikes, boards, scooters end up in the street. And my hubby and I have to take turns watching that cars zooming by don't hit the kids.... (if you're ever in a trailer park and hear someone randomly yell "CAR" that automatically means get over to the side of the street pronto!) Needless to say we usually get nothing done while we sit outside supervising. So there goes afternoon housework.....

OK enough of my grumbling :) As I was on my way to Walmart this morning the song called "Big House" by Audio Adrenaline came on my ipod. I guess my hubby left an old playlist on shuffle because I hadn't heard this song in ages. But the words spoke to my heart......it says.....

I don't know where you lay your head, or where you call your home
I don't know where you eat your meals, or where you talk on the phone
I don't know if you got a cook, a butler or a maid
I don't know if you got a year, with a hammock in the shade

But Come and go with me, to my Fathers house.
It's a big big house, with lots and lots a room. A big big table, with lots and lots of food
A big big yard, where we can play football. A big big house, Its my Fathers house

So although while I'm on this earth, I may live in a home full of inperfections and lacking many nice qualities ....I can have hope! Because one day I get to go to heaven and my Father has prepared for me a place with a big big yard, lots and lots of rooms, and hammock in the shade :)